Friday, November 21, 2008
Half Ton of Junk
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Our Education is Fucked.
It sure did bring back memories of 2006. Not to mention it also managed to shed new light onto some things that might just have been overlooked if it were any other ordinary person looking through it.
Yes. I'm implying that I'm special. Fuck the Copernican principle*.
*For those who STILL do not understand what the principle meant even after looking through Wikipedia's article, it just means that I'm special. :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Town Hall Meeting with Our ADUN
Hannah Yeoh, the ADUN for my area organized a meeting with the residents of SS18 at the SS18 padang. Yeah, she specifically mentioned "For the residents of SS18 only."
But naturally residents from all the adjacent areas HAD to come, including yours truly. Well, I was actually just following my mum who wanted to go.
Yeah, and like every other Good Ol' Malaysian, we arrived anything but on time. That is a good whole THIRTY minutes late. The 'meeting' had already started by the time we arrived.
I've got no idea what happened before I arrived, but it was Q&A session when I got there. Residents took turns voicing out their opinions.
This poor uncle's case was the most kolian one liao. He said people always dumped their garbage in front of his house. Illegally. Bangladeshi grass cutters dumping the cut grass in front of his house. And to cap the whole tulan-ness off, people would dig through the garbage for things they might want, aluminium cans, used syringes, undetonated WWII nukl33r bombs, and leave the garbage all over the place. Hannah advised him to contact MPSJ regarding his problem. Somehow I doubt MPSJ would be efficient enough to react fast enough to catch the culprits…
Did I mention there was food? But since I had a lousy camera in my hands I couldn't take any food or risk spilling it all over the camera. The pictures aren't really clear, but what the hell do you expect when you're using ISO 1600 without a flash, well some with.
Some people were still so excited about Hannah Yeoh ans stayed around to bug her even after the event was over.
Yeah, the meeting was held in a playground...area.