Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hypocrite Hour

You know what I find most amusing? Hypocrites. No, not any other hypocrites, but The Hypocrites that are all hyped up about this Earth Hour crap.

Not that I don't support WWF's effort in combating global warming, I don't support how these hypocrites(not WWF) talk about "Saving the Earth" or "Remember EARTH HOUR! TURN OFF YOUR LIGHTS".

The simple reason? THEY ARE HYPOCRITES.

They talk about 'Saving the Earth' when they are running a massive, power consuming overclocked computer with 4 graphic cards and 5 monitors, liquid cooled and lined up with more lights than LAX.

They talk about 'Helping the Planet' when they can't even be bothered about turning the lousy lights off after using the toilet, even when there's a SIGN telling them to do so.

They talk about 'Vote Against Global Warming' when they drive big, obscenely expensive cars that require more fuel to get from KL to Penang than what I'll ever need for the whole month.

They talk about 'Doing our Part to Help' when they don't drive big, obscenely expensive cars that require more fuel to get from KL to Penang than what I'll ever need for the whole month, but have 4 cars sitting in their garage while being single.

These people simply don't DESERVE the right to say such things.

Enough of the third party reference. Now I'm talking to YOU. Yes, there's no one behind you that I'm referring to.

If you really want to 'Help the Earth', DO IT ON A DAY-TO-DAY BASIS. Why wait for some massively multiplayer international event organized by some Wildlife organisation to 'Help the Earth', then totally forget about it until the next year?

Turning the switches off for one lousy hour a year isn't going to do shit if one

  • Is going to turn the toilet lights back on and leave it on for the rest of the year till the next Earth Hour.
  • Is going to drive around the country announcing that they've 'Helped the Cause against Global Warming' in their big, obscenely expensive cars.
  • Is going to buy another car as a reward of 'Doing my part for the Planet'.

You get what I mean. The whole point of this was to make it a continuous habit for the whole fucking duration of our short lives. There's no point if one's going to make it a once-off affair.

Instead of Earth Hour, if one were to save just ONE(1) lousy minute of electricity every day, it would tally up to 6.08 hours of electricity saved.

1 e.m(electricity minute) x 365 = 365 e.m
365 e.m / 60 = 6.08 e.h(electricity hour)

That's like having 6 Earth Hours in a year.

So forget Earth Hour, with good habits one can save the Planet 6 times before Earth Hour can. So during Earth Hour, go on with your regular activities, just remember to TURN THE TOILET LIGHTS OFF AFTER USING IT.

P.S: WWF will come up with a 'An Earth Minute A Day' campaign if they ever see my post.


Wayne said...

Truth. Every word of it.

K@h Ee said...

sometimes,people just need a push,so that the idea gets rolling.Maybe this is one of them....One hour/minute a day might be a hassle and people will not take the idea seriously.It's just like Chinese New Year... :P

Xiang Ning said...

Lulz Wayne I iz touched @__@

Anonymous said...

you got a point about toilet switches there..However, i would like to add that statement you made about them driving sports cars or kick-ass SUVs may not be right..Besides, only rich-assed people does that and some of them really do care about enviroment like George Clooney.He's rich assed but he prefers to drive an electric car...

Xiang Ning said...

Yeah, a Tesla electric car that only runs for 45 minutes and requires 17hours of charging.
That, is not what I call environmentally friendly.

Wayne said...

Actually, Wikipedia shows it's a pretty kickass car. But like all electric cars, it's only as green as the plants that generate its power.

Xiang Ning said...

I never said it wasn't kickass, I said it ain't environmentally friendly.

Wayne said...

An electric car that runs for 45 minutes and requires 17 hours of charging will only get its ass kicked.

Xiang Ning said...


Fine my bad. 53 minutes. Doesn't change nothing.

Alex said...

I am touched, to see there is actually a friend of mine views the Earth Hour in such a wonderful way, at least, not short-sighted.
Seriously when I heard people saying remember to switch off the light for 1 hour that night, I couldn't stop myself condemning them that it is pointless unless you do it everyday just like what you've mentioned.
You have a heart to save the world, or should I say, prolong the life of the world by being an environment friendly person.
I pray that this heart is to be built on something eternal. World will fade, and our lives and souls fade even earlier.
*It's a long time I didn't visit your blog. Keep it on! You have many comments to support you in making your blog better.

ariff said...

yes. you are damn anarchist. haha!

Anonymous said...

60 hypocrite hour? minutes dude...

Jeffery said...

nah,i don believe those who drive veyrons actually support the earth hour..ahaha..but true,there are these ppl scolding me for not joining them on this event when they dont even bother to turn off their toilet lights/finish their dishes lmao i am speechless