Sunday, September 13, 2009

Warman 2009

Now, I'm not to blame for the lack of updates whatsoever. There are two types of bloggers, those who keep a blog as their personal diary, and those who blog for the crowd.
I, unfortunately belong to the second group, and the fact that you people just view and not give any feedback on my posts do not help with the updates. You might not know this, but comments, be it good or bad really helps motivate the blogger to produce more posts. Knowing that people are actually enjoying (or hating) your post will make the blogger want to push out even more material.
So get this you lazy buggers, LEAVE SOME FRIGGIN COMMENTS!

Anyway, on the 8th anniversary of Al-Qaeda's successful terror run in the US and A, halfway around the world here in Subang Jaya, some of us old college mates gathered and had a barbecue outing. No I'm not writing anything about the barbecue apart from the fact that MY MUTTON RAWKZ! Yep, not writing anything, Darren already has that covered.

Few people knew it, but the Mechanical people from Monash, namely Me, Patma, Kein Yip and Sidharth had a Warman project run right the following morning at 9am (Oh and by the way, we went back at 2am after the barbecue).

The objective of the project was to construct :
  • a vehicle that carries the baton from the start point to the exchange point, passes the baton, and
  • a second vehicle that accepts the baton and rushes off to the end point

(Our Electrical vehicle)

Other teams 'invested' a great deal of money on the project, which was worth a grand 5% of our final grade. By a great deal I mean around the range of RM100 or more. To put things into perspective, our team only spent a grand total of RM20 on the project.

There were two runs, in which teams must get at least one successful run. We were lucky to get a good first run, thanks to last minute ad hoc duct taping and inspections. Yeah, you read it right, duct taping. Our whole vehicle was practically held together with duct tape.

(The team lining up the first car right before the first run)

(The first car sending the baton towards our Optimus Prime trailer.)

(Optimus Prime travelling godspeed towards the end zone. )

With the first run over and successful, all the pressure was off our shoulders, and we started letting our guard down. Checks weren't done, and inspections were laxed. And that ultimately resulted in a failed second run.

(Baton car being lined up for second run)

(Disaster in the making. Note the position of the baton.)

(I caught the anti-climax on film as it happened.)


(The team)


TheLulu said...

woo~ nice idea.. i like the simplicity.. hahaha =)

hyperair said...

Duct tape eh.. That brings back memories of my secondary school. We participated in some Interschool Science Competition, and my team made extensive use of duct tape in two of the challenges.

First was a catapult that was held together by lots of duct tape because the wood was too soft to hold with just nails (or we just lacked the skill).

The second was some challenge to make a vehicle that can transport an egg across a certain distance. We ended up using the entire roll of duct tape as the body (it's round and can roll!). Stuck the egg inside, padded it with tissue paper, and stuck two CDs on either side of the duct tape roll. =D

Unknown said...


KLK1989 said...

One word....Impressive. Good work. You guys utilised the duct tape well. Haha. XD.

girlieman said... you still have it?the car i mean

Anonymous said...

ok... since you said so...


is that enough?

Xiang Ning said...

Why thank you soooo much for that profanity.
You do realize that I do not give an arse about what you think about me right, especially those hiding behind the back of Big Brother Anonymous.