Thursday, February 25, 2010

EMD (Early Morning Drive)

Whenever my dad goes to KL and leaves me here in Kerteh, AND I wake up mind blowingly early to catch Chelsea's games, I usually end up doing my habitual early morning drive to work. That is, going to work extremely early compared to my usual timing (7.40am).

Driving to work early has it's advantages. You don't need to jostle with other cars on the road, the road's all yours, signed sealed delivered. And since you don't have other cars on the road, or should I say "less" cars on the road, YOU CAN SPEED! colon capital D* There are no other cars that might ruin your apex while taking a corner at high speeds.

*So WHAT is colon capital D? My smarter readers would've got it by now. Why it's simply ":D" :D

At a place where the average time of arrival for most people is 8.15am even though the "official" clock in time is 8, me arriving at work at this time is bordering Godliness, if not already Godly.

Today's Thursday and the second last week of my internship here. Looking forwards to the weekend! =D

P.S. : Below are some pictures of where my 'office' is located. It's at the set of windows just to the left of the red coloured firewater pipes.

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kerbaurider said...

Didn't u met the legendary Kua-kun that goes to work early?

TheLulu said...

the kua-kun that's 1st on your missed call list back when you did the note?
how fast were you going by the way? =)

Xiang Ning said...

Lol not even the great Kua was at office when I arrived.
But VERY SURPRISINGLY Khairi's car was there. =O