Saturday, September 13, 2008

ISA Trend Terbaru!

*Credits to Kein Yip for the title

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.
This one is certainly worth more than that.

Traffic police in uniform issuing summonses to members of the public who had defaulted on the payment in Selayang yesterday. A total of 47 people were detained and 105 warrants of arrest were pasted on doors and gates (like Ah Longs?) on the first day of Ops Warta.

Look at that, 6(YES! SIX!) traffic policemen at 1 (YES!!! ONE!) house. Now what's our police force's motto again? Cepat, Mesra dan foot.
When thrown the question of whether the police force are wasting resources or inefficient, Tan Sri Musa Hassan will probably give the excuse,"This is for the protection of our men, some members of the public might get violent."

Meanwhile, this is the most recent headline at the time of this posting. More people detained under ISA. One of them an MP, another a reporter, the last one ISA's most loyal customer.

What caught my eye was this exerpt,"

Tan, who is Mass Communications graduate from Universiti Sains Malaysia, has been a journalist for nine years.

She had reported on former Bukit Bendera division Umno chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail's alleged racist remarks while campaigning for the Permatang Pauh by-election."

All she did was report. Now why didn't Ahmad Ismail get detained under ISA? He was the one who was the cause of all this shit. As much as he may deny it, the proverb *无风不起浪 exists for a reason.

*无风不起浪 - literally means "There will be no wave if there's no wind". I couldn't think of the english equivalent of it. Which is surprising, considering I only studied Mandarin until Primary 6, and even then I didn't know shit.

Malaysia a free country my sweet arse. One can't even say anything(nope, not even online. Sorry, geeks :( ) without worrying about ISA. Heck, I could be detained under ISA, just because my post contains "Sensitive materials".


Anonymous said...

Agreed. Beware of word posting online from now onwards.
We, the fans of xnlai.blogspot don't want the blog to be banned because of the sensitive issues.

Btw, it would be nice if you add caption for the embedded photo, just my 2 cents.

~Blur Principessa~ said...

How about "there's no smoke without fire" for the English equivalent?


Anonymous said...

o.O finally see uu again..u so brave ah..don afraid kena caught meh..haha..