Monday, March 24, 2008


I bet a grand total of RM0.01 that the first thing that pops up in your mind is,” What’s with the half-eaten chicken rice?”

EXCEPT IT’S NOT HALF EATEN. THAT, IS A NEWLY OPENED PACKET OF F-U-C-K-I-N-G roasted pork chicken rice I bought from a F-U-C-K-I-N-G stall in Asia Café™.

I felt so fucking scammed when I saw the sad contents in the packet. Tulan la, I paid RM4 not to eat something that looks like leftover food. Okay, fuck the aesthetics then, STILL, there’s like 5 pieces of chicken and what, 4 pieces of roasted pork? Not to mention 3 pieces of fucumber(fucking cucumber).

And on top of that, when I asked for some ginger, you know, the kind that goes with chicken rice, THEY GAVE ME GRAVY. I still asked that stupid kanina so many times for my ginger, and when it came, it turned out to be fucking gravy.

But hey, in every cloud there’s a silver lining.
Just minutes before I bought my chicken rice, or should I say leftover rice, I picked up RM2 from the ground. The money was lying in the middle of the road where DOZENS of people were walking by. Why in the world they didn't pick it up is a mystery of its own. I conclude that it is either :

a. They’re too high class to bend over to pick up 2 pieces of RM1
b. Their noses are inclined too high to be able to see what’s on the ground, aka they’re too high class
c. My personal handwash costs RM82, good for 40 washes, which is equivalent to RM2.05 per wash. I will still lose RM0.05, no point picking it up. Or
d. All of the above

So that packet of leftover rice cost me RM2, which isn’t too bad come to think of it. But still, I’ll never go to that shop to tapau anything in the future.



Anonymous said...

Oh well, which shop is it? I help you to blacklist it =P
By the way I won RM0.01 from you by saying that it's a new chicken rice instead of half or the leftover.
Nyahaha, kampar chicken rice damn cheap. RM2.60

Potato said...

I'm not Huan Chu....
I'm Ma Ling Shu~