Monday, March 17, 2008

Skim Cepat Kaya

You know how I sometimes complain about having too much time and have no idea how to waste my time? You don’t? Well, NOW you do. So, I was having one of these moments one day, so I just sat there and began to think about the many ways that I can get rich.

So, I’ve come to a conclusion.

Reader #1 : You’re gonna rob a bank?
Reader #2 : Steal cars?
N00b Reader #3 : Go out raping every girl and dog you see?
Reader #1 & #2 : WTF?!!111oneoneone

I’m going to open a food stall. :D


*The swearing starts*

No SERIOUSLY. I CAN get rich by opening a food outlet. I shall take my class as an example. My class has roughly [Insert correct number here] people. During breaks, at least half of us will go as a group to some food outlet for lunch, late-breakfast or whatever you might call it.

Here we see at least 9 people together. Before you go “KNN EIGHT ONLY LAR”, did you remember to add me, the photographer?
This is the same photo, taken from a different angle by Yew Wayne@Wayne.

Same photo, taken by Leung Keet I think. Here I generously help him in advertising his blog. To anyone who's interested in reading his daily rants, here's the link to his blog.
Oh look, there I am.

One thing I HATE is this.

Kanina. LOOK WHAT LOOK? Never see people put umbrella on table before meh? Well…maybe not, but DON’T STARE LA. Kanina. Spoil my fucking picture nia.

I admit I went a LITTLE bit overboard with this shit. But I swear to god, once you start doing it, you start replacing every single face you can find in the picture. :D

More pictures...

There's twelve of us there.

Reader : 1...2...3..4..5...6...7...8...KANINA, EIGHT ONLY

Trust me when I say 12.

After our badminton session, the whole group went to A&W for a drink. Rats, well there goes my fucking diet plans. All gone with a single sacharin-saturated drink.

When Starbucks announced they were having a promotion and that a cuppa only cost RM1.80, we being Kiasu monkeys naturally flocked to the otherwise forbidden territory. Come one lah, how often do you get to enjoy Starbucks for only RM1.80?

As you can see, I am building up momentum for the finale. The number of people in each pictures are getting more and more. At least 14 people here.

And finally....

SEVENTEEN PEOPLE. That's almost like the whole class with the exception of my class rep.

Okay, so back to my Get Rich Scheme(Skim Cepat Kaya).

Let's take that picture up there as an example. There are 17 people, and each meal cost a flat RM5.00. That'll give you RM85 in under an hour. I'll calculate by classes. Let's say there are 5 classes eating at any given time. That's RM425 in an hour.

I estimate that they run their business for 12 hours. RM425 x 12 = RM5100

Say their net profit is 20%. That'll give me RM1020, which is RM30600 a month.

Subtract that by the employees salary. 30600-(600 x 12) = RM23400

Let's say the shop is in a nice location, that means that the rental will be high, say RM10000.

RM23400 - RM10000 = RM13400

RM13400 for me to spend on unlimited candy, a 12Mbps broadband connection, a quad-SLI 8800Ultra rig, and other what-nots.

So I was thinking about what car I was going to buy and where my new Condo would be situated while drooling the whole time.

The only problem now is that to actually START the business, I'd need a big-ass capital, which I estimate at around at least RM1 million. Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Well, i like your idea about getting rich by just establish a food stall around the hot area.
And I salute you who can have your life easily in KL. This implies that I can't live well in KL.
Everything's perfect, and I smell a frequent update of this blog in the coming future. Will you? Or as you've said get affected by laziness aura?
Come on, skim cepat kaya, want kaya, put some efforts. And here comes your next effort, next blog =)

Potato said...

RM1.80 starbucks oredi so kiasu..... me here airport got FREE starbucks coffee on Sunday man!
Nah, my Skim Cepat Kaya sounds more realisable- Open Kolo Mee Stall in Australia when i study there next next year.
In oversea, you can earn $ by doing cheap Malaysian stuff and sell high high price, yet EVERYONE WANT BUY. Cuz you're monopoly.

hyperair said...