Ahh..the 31st of December. New Year's Eve. It could only mean one thing.
No..It can only mean massive traffic jams and stinkin' crowds. =D
That's why we ex-PE 7.5 are what we are, smart. Instead of jostling with the stinkin' crowd and getting stuck in the massive traffic jam that was everywhere, we decided to 'celebrate' the New Year the next morning.
The brainchild of our very own Leung Keet, the gathering took place at Subang Parade with the participation of a grand total of…….seven people. The Nottingham kids were having exams in one week's time, so I guess that was their excuse. But seven was good enough for something that was cooked up at the very last minute, I'd say.
The gathering was but a simple (read expensive) lunch at Kenny fucken' Rogers. Now for the pictures to tell the tale…
I had no idea why they served us ONE frickin' muffin together with the drinks. But luckily for me, I didn't have enough time to think about why, Loong Jin was already halfway through the poor muffin.
Can I haz a chezburger??
A quick picture or two, then we left as most of them had their own programs. Yeah, we should have more or such gatherings. *hint*hint*Leung Keet* =D
PS: Fucking Blogger cropped the right part of all my pictures, it is not I who lack Photography skills.
Sigh...kinda wish I was there. Then again, I had fun blasting zombies with high school friends in Left 4 Dead. :D
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