Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I saw a sign the other day while walking pass some notices. At first I couldn't figure out what the hell attracted me so much to that sign. I took a picture anyway.

At home, after looking at the picture more carefully, THEN I realized.

This is preposterous. They use ANIMALS to symbolize SPCA. So Spastic Children = Animals? And YET we call ourselves humans. :P

Oo! Oo! I know this one. This is where the spastic children live right? No?

Today's feature person is none other than Chow "I don't simply fall asle..ZZZ" Loong Jin™.

He is truly a rare species, one which you can find nowhere else in the world. Heck, experts have even compared him to the laziest animals.

A Slow Loris

A you already know what it is

This guy can fall asleep ANYWHERE.

In class where its freezing. This I understand because it could be triggered by his natural instincts of self preservation.

To prove how dead he is while sleeping, we even put a bottle on top of his head.

The bottle never stood a motherfucker of a chance. It NEVER moved.

This is crazy.

A COFFEESHOP. Right after his lunch, he plops down and sleeps. He even gave his glasses a bath in the Ajinomoto saturated gravy of his lunch. And I thought I was the pig.

That ends the special guest feature section.

Traffic lights, anyone?Merah Berhenti. Kuning Perlahan. Hijau Jalan. Quoted from some annoying Astro commercial.


KLK1989 said...

No comment on Loong Jin. He even can sleep while walking. I can share with u more photos of him sleeping in class so that u can add those photos to your collection.

Anonymous said...

damn..wayne looks like some cool guy offense man.